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Module 1:

Railway Guard Meeting

Meeting in the Pykälistö. Welcome to a meeting in an atmospheric train car of the 1940s.

The meeting package includes:

  • train car rental
  • Introduction and history of Pykälistö area
  • exhibitions in the area and access to workshops
  • Resin-Driving (Keeling)
  • A lively view and a tour of the light sculpture park
  • Yard hut (approx. 20 people) also available

Like Pykälistö, guests are offered workshop coffees with crumbs!

Duration 4 h,  number of people: 4-20.  
Price 450 € + VAT 24%.


Module 2:

Experience and meet in the Articles

Functional and experiential meeting in Pykälistö. During the meeting, you will be able to try out your own skills in iron design.

The meeting package includes:

  • a work night show and / or a participating iron forging in front of the furnace
  • train car rental
  • Introduction and history of the Pykälistö area
  • exhibitions in the area and access to workshops
  • Resin-Driving (Keeling)
  • A lively view and a tour of the light sculpture park
  • A yard (approx. 20 people) is also available

Like Pykälistö, guests are offered workshop coffees with crumbs!

Duration 4 h. Number of people e.g. 15 people.
Price € 650 + VAT 24%.


Module 3: 

A day at Pykälistö’s Cultural Oasis

A day full of activity in Pykälistö. It is possible for a group to do sculptural work as a team work, where the material is e.g. iron and granite. Includes sculpture finishing and engraving.

The meeting package includes:

  • team co-sculpting, sculpting finishing and engraving
  • train car rental
  • Introduction and history of the Pykälistö area
  • exhibitions in the area and access to workshops
  • Resin-Driving (Keeling)
  • A lively view and a tour of the light sculpture park
  • Yard hut (approx. 20 people) also available

Like Pykälistö, guests are offered workshop coffees with crumbs!

There will be no “light signal” on the line guard in this package! 🙂

Duration by agreement.
Price 950 € + VAT 24%.


Meals and meals by arrangement.
Family parties and customized packages by appointment.

Warm welcome!

Ask for suitable times for the desired module by e-mail.